An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology, Fourth Edition presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of meteorology, and explains storm dynamics for weather-oriented meteorologists. This revised edition features updated treatments on climate dynamics, tropical meteorology, middle atmosphere dynamics, and numerical prediction. It contains a wealth of illustrations to elucidate text and equat…
Buku Perspektif Operasional Cuaca Tropis karya Achmad Zakir menyajikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai dinamika cuaca di wilayah tropis dengan pendekatan operasional yang bermanfaat bagi meteorologi, klimatologi, serta profesional di bidang kebencanaan dan penerbangan. Buku ini menguraikan karakteristik atmosfer di daerah tropis, pola pergerakan angin, pembentukan awan dan hujan, serta kejadian cua…
Climate Change 2001: Mitigation Contribution of Working Group III to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change offers a comprehensive evaluation of mitigation strategies aimed at addressing climate change, as outlined by Working Group III of the IPCC. The book explores scientific findings, technological innovations, and policy approaches required to curb green…
This document has been reviewed in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's and the Office of Management and Budget's peer and administrative review policies and approved for publication. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Proceedings National Workshop On The Formulation Of National Action Programme For Combating Land Degradation In Indonesia gathers the key discussions and outcomes from a national workshop focused on creating a strategic plan to combat land degradation in Indonesia. The book highlights the contributions of experts, policymakers, and various stakeholders in developing approaches to address issues…
The Guide to Storm Surge Forecasting by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) offers crucial insights into the prediction and understanding of storm surges, which occur when ocean water levels rise due to severe weather, such as tropical storms. The book explains the scientific processes behind the development of storm surges, the forecasting techniques used to predict them, and the vario…
The Snellius-II Expedition details a major scientific research effort led by Indonesian and Dutch scientists to investigate the marine and geological environments of the Indonesian region. The book presents the outcomes of this expedition, which focused on oceanographic and geophysical studies, including marine life, ocean currents, and geological features. It explains the methods used to gathe…
The book starts with features of island life, the nature of communities and of species on isolated islands considered against the background of the geological history of islands and of general biogeography. The two main sections of the book treat the numbers of species on islands and the evolutionary processes leading to new species. The final section is a tentative analysis of species interact…
Buku Gunung Api yang diterbitkan oleh Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi menyajikan wawasan mendalam mengenai gunung berapi, mencakup bagaimana proses pembentukannya, jenis erupsi yang terjadi, serta dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan. Buku ini juga menjelaskan secara rinci tentang fenomena vulkanik yang terjadi di dalam Bumi, serta pengaruh aktivitas gunung api terhadap kehidupan m…
Almanak BMKG Tahun 2007 menyediakan data meteorologi, klimatologi, dan geofisika yang dikumpulkan oleh Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) sepanjang tahun 2007. Buku ini menjadi referensi yang penting untuk informasi terkait cuaca dan iklim di Indonesia, mencakup data seperti suhu udara, curah hujan, tekanan atmosfer, serta fenomena alam lainnya. Tujuan dari almanak ini adalah …
Buku Almanak Nautika ini diharapkan dapat menjadi pedoman dalam bernavigasi secara astronomis bagi para pelaut dan bermanfaat bagi pengguna lainnya untuk mendukung keselamatan pelayaran. Buku Almanak Nautika disamping bermanfaat untuk pelaut juga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi astronomi bagi kepentingan militer, navigasi, pendidikan dan kepentingan lainnya.
The earthquakes and tsunamis of 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 had tragic consequences for northern and western Sumatra and nearby islands. So many lives were lost, and so much was destroyed or damaged by these massive disasters. Yet they also generated never-before-seen natural phenomena, attracting scientists from around the world to come and investigate. This book presents the results…
Will it Rain? is a book for agricultural advisers, government planners, students or anyone interested in the weather and seasonal forecasting. It explains the Southern Oscillation and El Ni?o terms often used by the popular media without a full understanding. The book describes: - what causes the weather over Indonesia - the Southern Oscillation and how it influences seasonal weather - ho…
Apa yang disebut pusat Bumi? Mengapa air laut asin? Bagaimana atmosfer terbentuk? Siapa yang disebut vulkanolog? Bagaimana gunung dibangun? Bagaimana bentuk dasar lautan? Temukanlah jawabannya dengan cara baru melihat Bumi. Foto-foto berwarna yang indah memperlihatkan alat-alat geologi, batu-batuan, mineral, dan model 3-D mengungkapkan pemikiran dan temuan yang telah mengubah pemahaman kita men…
The main purpose of this handbook is to educate FASI's UAS/Remote pilots that they should know how actual pilots flying planes. We believe that anyone flying an UAS should aware of the airspace and rules that come with it. This handbook is mainly a reminder to us pilots, and has plenty of information most UAS Pilots wouldn't know or even expect.
The Manual for Reductions in the Use of Ozone Depleting Substances offers industries and organizations practical steps to minimize their use of substances that harm the ozone layer. Created by the Japan Industrial Conference for Ozone Layer Protection, this manual presents various strategies, technological alternatives, and policy measures designed to reduce the environmental impact of ozone-de…